Conduit Loop
The Triglavian Collective has linked the systems of Pochven region together using their conduit gate technology, resulting in a large Conduit Loop. Access to pass through conduit gates is determined by the level of your standings with the Triglavian Collective. Some conduit gates require higher level of standings than others.
For travel between systems using the conduit loop, you have the following rules:
- Traversing into or between border systems requires a Triglavian standing of 1.00
- Traversing into or between internal systems requires a Triglavian standing of 3.00
- Traversing into a home system requires a Triglavian standing of 7.00
Certain unstable wormholes lead into Triglavian Space, permitting travel back and forth. Wormholes leading to Pochven region may have certain mass limits and decay times peculiar to the nature of the connection, in a similar manner to other unstable wormholes.
Triglavian FTL travel technology makes use of space-time conduits that can be accessed using space-time filaments. A number of different filament types permit travel between Triglavian Space and other locations in New Eden.
NPC stations have been converted into Triglavian stations, and you have the following standing restrictions:
- Minimum of -0.05: Docking
- Minimum of 1.00: Fitting
- Minimum of 2.00: Repairshop
- Minimum of 3.00: Jump Clones and Reprocessing
- Minimum of 4.00: Industry and Corporation Offices
Inbound Filaments
Inbound filaments include System Class 'Pochven' and Cladistic 'Krai' Filaments. 'Pochven' Filaments can be found by engaging various enemies in Known Space. Cladistic 'Krai' Filaments are typically found in the wrecks of Triglavian ships belonging to the relevant clade.
Cladistic 'Krai' Filaments
Cladistic 'Krai' Filaments permit travel from Known Space to a system in the 'Krai' of the Triglavian space controlled by the named Triglavian Clade: Perun, Svarog, or Veles.
These come in sizes of 5 and 15 for each Clade
System Class 'Pochven' Filaments
System Class 'Pochven' Filaments permit travel from Known Space to a system in Triglavian space of the designated system class: Border, Internal, or Home.
These come in sizes of 5 and 15 for each system class
Outbound Filaments
Outbound filaments include Proximity 'Extraction' and Glorification 'Devana' Filaments. Proximity 'Extraction' Filaments are typically found in the wrecks of EDENCOM vessels invading Pochven. Glorification 'Devana' Filaments are usually recovered from destroyed Triglavian vessels in Triglavian Space.
Glorification 'Devana' Filaments
Glorification 'Devana' Filaments permit travel from a star system in Triglavian Space to a star system in Known Space where the Triglavians won the battle for the system but did not proceed to the Liminality stages of the invasion. EDENCOM designated such systems as "Triglavian Minor Victory" systems.
These come in sizes of 1, 5, and 15
Proximity 'Extraction' Filaments
Proximity 'Extraction' Filaments permit travel from a star system in Triglavian Space to a nearby star system in Known Space.
These come in sizes of 1, 5, and 15